Navy JAG Corps Judge Advocate General's Corps

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Legal Assistance Frequently Asked Questions

What is legal assistance?

Legal assistance enhances the readiness and welfare of active duty and reserve members of the Armed Forces by providing quality legal services regarding personal civil legal matters to eligible persons, and by educating eligible persons regarding their personal legal rights and responsibilities. Legal assistance accomplishes its mission by direct client assistance services and a vigorous preventive law program that educates and informs the military community through a variety of creative and stimulating outreach efforts.

What is a legal assistance attorney?

A legal assistance attorney is a military judge advocate or civilian attorney who is duly licensed to practice law before the courts of one or more state and federal jurisdictions, and is authorized by the Judge Advocate General to perform legal assistance functions. He or she represents the interests of the individual client concerning personal civil legal matters by advising the client, and in limited instances, directly advocating for the client.

If I see a legal assistance attorney, will my information remain confidential?

Yes. Information and files pertaining to legal assistance clients are private and privileged under law and applicable professional rules and guidelines. The information and documents contained in a client's file will not be disclosed to anyone by the attorney providing legal assistance, except upon the express specific permission of the client or when the attorney determines that disclosure is authorized or required by law or applicable rules of professional conduct. The unauthorized release of confidential client information cannot be made lawful by order of superior military authority.

How much will it cost to see a legal assistance attorney?

The services provided through the Navy Legal Assistance Program are free to eligible personnel. However, clients are required to pay for all costs associated with their case, such as court costs or agency fees if applicable.

Who is eligible for legal assistance?

Eligibility for legal assistance varies somewhat among the military services. Generally, Navy legal assistance is available to the following:

What type of services can a legal assistance office provide?

Advice and/or service regarding the following matters are normally available at legal assistance offices:

What services are not available from Navy legal assistance offices?

Legal assistance attorneys are prohibited from the following acts: