RM 10210.805 Form I-151, Alien Registration Receipt Card

A. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) history of Form I-151

The former Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), now the DHS, issued Form I-151 (Alien Registration Receipt Card), commonly called a “green card,” to aliens from July 1946 through late 1978. The form is no longer valid evidence for enumeration purposes and INS replaced it with Form I-551 (Permanent Resident Card). The I-151 lacked security features and presented more opportunities for alteration and fraud than other immigration documents. From 1992 through 1996, INS conducted a “Green Card Replacement” project to replace the I-151 cards in circulation. Some applicants (e.g., homebound elderly or nursing home residents) may have been unable to replace their old I-151 cards. Although the card is not a valid immigration document, the person may still retain lawful permanent resident status with DHS.

B. Procedure when an applicant submits an I-151 as evidence for an SSN card

1. When to accept the I-151

Enter the application using the “RO/CPS Int” process per RM 10210.170.

The I-151 is not listed as an acceptable document in SSA’s enumeration system. There should be rare instances where the I-151 is presented and accepted because of a mental or physical impairment.

Verify the alien’s immigration status using these specific instructions: Request DHS verify the alien’s immigration status (as opposed to verifying the I-151 card). Follow MSOM INTRANET 002.005 and GN 00303.610B.6.a. to request immigration status verification. Do not request DHS verify the Form I-151.

2. When to refer the alien to DHS for a current immigration document

In cases where it appears an individual is physically or mentally able to comply with the “Green Card Replacement” project but did not do so, refer them to DHS to get a Permanent Resident Card (I-551). Contact the RO for guidance in these situations; do not process the SSN application when the applicant submits an I-151, unless advised to do so by the RO after consultation with Central Office.

RM 10210.805 - Form I-151, Alien Registration Receipt Card - 06/21/2024
Batch run: 06/21/2024
Rev: 06/21/2024

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